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ASH Preparatory (Grades 5-7)

During the Preparatory years, 学生与老师和同学的互动促进了学习, 学生在相互信任的氛围中体验各种各样的学校和社区环境.  预科学生在一个灵活的社区中茁壮成长, people-centered, expansive, and satisfying to all involved.

Our faculty members are trained experts in working with middle school-aged girls.  以皇冠365官方app教育的目标和标准为指导, 我们实施一个符合精神需求的项目, academic, physical, social, and emotional needs of students during these years of rapid growth and change.

具有挑战性的课程,通过帮助学生在以越来越抽象的方式思考和掌握更专业的内容的同时加强他们的基本技能,为高中及以后奠定坚实的基础.  学生通过领导机会和服务机会获得个人成长,他们遵循由学科领域专业教师教授的部门和跨学科课程的时间表.

Preparatory School (Grades 5-7)

Preparatory Administration

angela hymel                                    division head

lauren lafosse                              dean of students

charlotte lahaye,    Ed.D, NBCT         
curriculum coordinator

Coastal Roots

As good stewards of our Earth, 预科和小学的学生一起在他们的路易斯安那州立大学海岸根项目.  Each year, they grow indigenous trees from seeds to be later used to preserve our Louisiana coastline.  这是目标三(服务和管理)的行动!

Global Challenge

During the final week of school, our Prep students participate in Global Challenge Week.  全球挑战周的参与者都沉浸在以学生为中心的活动中, 以探究为基础的活动,提供严谨和丰富的经验. During this time, 学生们创建一个项目,让他们参与调查, research, and solutions that address some of the world’s ongoing problems with global health, hunger, water crisis, education and gender equality, 社交媒体与全球发展的关系, and microfinance loans.